Saturday, March 28, 2009

Still working on Wicked!

So I just thought I would stop by and let everyone know I am still struggling to get through Wicked! I find that when I sit down to read it, it goes by pretty fast but I have to force myself to pick it up in the first place! There is not even really anything interesting happening at this exact moment in the book to report! But I will keep everyone posted and hopefully stick with it and finish it soon enough!
I have also just picked up "If I Did It," the book where OJ Simpson tells how he WOULD commit the murders of Nicole and Ron Goldman if he had actually done it. Mostly I am checking this book out because when I worked at Borders Bookstore EVERYONE was interested and so I want to see what the big deal is!
Hope everyone is doing well and finding some good books to read!


Anonymous said...

Kerry!! I didn't know the OJ book was actually published. He doesn't get to keep any of the profits, does he? Wait, that's only if you're convicted... dammit!! Oh, well... keep us posted!

As for me, y'all... I am also reading Wicked, but it's my second time around. Jesse bought me the third book in the Wicked series: A Lion Among Men. I decided it had been so long since I'd read Wicked and it's sequel, Son of a Witch, that I should re-read the first two before trying on the third. I, personally, LOVE this book. It's gotten some mixed reviews, but I am a huge fan of Elphaba, aka The Wicked Witch Of The West. She got a raw deal. And Dorothy? She's a whiny little brat.

What is everyone else reading?!

Kerry said...

It did get published but there was OJ couldn't actually publish it as his book so the Goldman family ended up getting it published and the profits go to them instead of OJ. Something like that-I will keep you posted for sure!
I haven't even gotten to anything about Dorothy yet! Man I really gotta get my butt moving on that book!